August 22, 2006

Posted by John

Tagged plugin

Older: has_many :through gets more magic

Newer: Hotkey Plugin

UJS Rails Plugin

The unobtrusive javascript plugin just got a catchy new name and website. It is now known simply as UJS. There were several upgrades to the plugin itself:

  • Out-of-the box caching using HTTP ETags and advanced behaviour caching
  • Apply multiple behaviours at once with apply_behaviours
  • Behaviour helpers to easily and unobtrusively apply scriptaculous effects
  • :prevent_default option to cancel original event behaviour such as link following and form submission

For web standards, usability and accessibility lovers, this plugin should quickly become a staple. I know I’ll be trying it out soon.


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Authored by John Nunemaker (Noo-neh-maker), a programmer who has fallen deeply in love with Ruby. Learn More.


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