June 05, 2008

Posted by John

Tagged business, ordered list, updates, and xhtml

Older: RailsConf 2008

Newer: What's the IP For?

Available For Hire


So I’ve already tweeted, posted on Addicted To New, and been welcomed at Ordered List, but I thought I would cover it quick here as well.

I’ve left my position at Notre Dame and partnered with Steve Smith of Ordered List. Steve and I worked together at ND and really enjoyed it, so it was a no brainer once we started talking. We’ll be consulting and working on applications that will make consulting easier for us (and maybe you).

How Can We Help

We’re hybrid developers (do both design and development), but Steve is stronger in design and I’m stronger in programming. Makes for a nice one-two punch. Obviously, we do application development in Rails, but where I think we can benefit you is our ability to make your application’s interface killer. We are fluent in XHTML, CSS, JavaScript and are huge proponents of Web Standards and unobtrusive JavaScript. Not only that, but what makes us even more valuable to programmers is we know git, subversion, and Rails templating system. Heck, we’ll even fix a failing test here and there if we run into any (not that you would ever have one). :)

That is pretty much all I’ll say here on RailsTips about the switch. I just want people to know what we can do and that I’m hoping the move will free up more time for blogging here. Time will tell…


  1. Congratulations. Steve told me about this before RailsConf (which I was meant to try to meet up with you at).

    I always said that if OrderedList goes Rails he should name it OrderedHash.

  2. @Zach – Awesome. Or should it be ActiveSupport::OrderedHash? :)

  3. I like the way you think Sir. Nicely done.

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Authored by John Nunemaker (Noo-neh-maker), a programmer who has fallen deeply in love with Ruby. Learn More.


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