January 06, 2010

Posted by John

Tagged harmony and mongodb

Older: The Balance of Convention and Innovation

Newer: I Have No Talent

Live From Harmony

After more than a year and a half of self-funded work on and off, Harmony is almost ready. It is so close in fact, that we (Steve and I) are beginning to eat our own dog food by moving our own sites into it. Rails Tips is the first to go live (if you can see this post, you are a witness) and I’m not going to lie, it feels good!

As I mentioned previously, we recently switched Harmony to MongoDB. A few have asked what issues we ran into and so far it has only been mental (free your mind matrix-style stuff). Now we will start getting into the nitty gritty. Expect some good posts soon.

Rails Tips is all moved and our company site, OrderedList.com, is in the final stages of the redesign process and should be going live in Harmony later this week.


Harmony has redirect support (including regex’s and back references) so I’ve put a few in place to fix the URLs, but there are bound to be some broken things around here. If you run into anything that isn’t working, just let me know with a comment or something.


Technical Details To Come

I am really excited about the future of Harmony and I’ll be posting more on the technical details soon, but for now this lame post will have to suffice. :)


  1. Congrats! It’s awesome to see these new technologies in the wild, and I’m really looking forward to reading your experences with deploying Mongo for this huge project!

  2. So awesome. I can’t wait to check out harmony! Going through the new doc site just made me that much more anxious. How long do you think you’ll be in beta?

  3. Also, this link is broken: http://railstips.org/2009/6/3/what-if-a-key-value-store-mated-with-a-relational-database-system

    I clicked it from the Projects (looks like the URL is missing the /archives/ piece). But the same article works when clicked from Smorgasbord.

    Just thought I’d let you know (and feel free to delete this comment once it’s fixed).

  4. I can’t wait to see Harmony. I said to myself when I saw your first post about MongoMapper that MongoDB would be great for a new kind of CMS, and it looks like you guys have beat me to it!

  5. Josespinal Josespinal

    Jan 06, 2010

    What will be the prices of Harmony?

  6. @Ryan Heath: Well, like I said, we are self-funding so we are still doing client work. That means it is harder to project dates. I would think by the end of January would be a safe estimate, but who knows.

  7. Whoa, that’s actually a lot faster than I assumed. Either way, no hurry. Greatness takes time :-)

  8. Sweet! Feels faster.

  9. @Ryan Heath: Yes, yes it does.

    @Chris: Cool! Yeah, it is definitely faster than Dreamhost. :) I’m already seeing tons of tweaks that I need to do in spots that will make it even faster. Someday…

  10. Wes Garrison Wes Garrison

    Jan 07, 2010

    Any way to migrate a site without causing all the rss entries to show up new? I have duplicates of all the past articles.

  11. @Wes Garrison: I probably changed the ids in the entries. Not a big deal, it only happens once.

  12. Seems like the content for http://railstips.org/blog/archives/2008/07/29/it-s-an-httparty-and-everyone-is-invited didn’t get moved over, either.

  13. @Pete Forde: Ah, good catch. All the content was moved but a few of the permalinks are a bit different so I’ve been applying redirects. Thanks for letting me know Pete.

  14. Missing:

    (Textile isn’t being kind to the URL above.)


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Authored by John Nunemaker (Noo-neh-maker), a programmer who has fallen deeply in love with Ruby. Learn More.


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